Kielteiset elämäntapahtumat
Hei, alla oleva gradututkimus tutkii miten kielteiset elämäntapahtumat vaikuttavat työhön ja miten työ voi mahdollisesti auttaa. Jos siis sovit alla olevaan engalnninkieliseen profiiliin, (tutkimus on engalnniksi) toivotan sinut lämpimästi osallistumaan. Jos tunnet jonkun joka sopii kuvaukseen, laita eteenpäin 🙂 Kysymyksiä? Email: Mahdollisuus voittaa Amazon lahjakortti!
We are master students of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and are performing research in the field of Organizational Psychology under supervision of Prof. Dr. Arnold Bakker.
About the study:
Lasts 3 weeks
You will fill out short questionnaires (10 minutes) every week on Thursday/Friday
You need to:
Be 18 years or older
Have a job/internship
Have experienced a major negative life event within the past year (e.g., divorce/break-up, death/serious illness of family member or close friend, being a victim of violence, etc.)
How the study benefits you:
You will have the chance of winning one of 5 VVV vouchers (Dutch participants) or Amazon vouchers (international participants) worth 10
You contribute to the research of an important issue!
Heres the link to start with the study:
We would really appreciate your help!
Thank you in advance!